Canadian Cellular Concrete Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Pacific International Grout Company that was founded to support geotechnical grouting in the Canadian marketplace.
CCCS by numbers

Over 46

Years Experience

Our Specialty

Large Highway & Tunnel Projects Licensed Specialty Lightweight Foam Concrete Contractor in Canada

Industry Pioneer

in low density fill placement


Canadian Cellular Concrete Services, Inc. is a Canadian company that provides installation services for foam concrete also called foam cement, low density cellular concrete, cellular concrete, lightweight fill, load reducing fill, etc. in the heavy highway and tunneling industries.

Canadian Cellular Concrete Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Pacific International Grout Company (PIGCO) the parent company. PIGCO has been in business for over 46 years and is the leader in geotechnical services utilizing low density foamed concretes (low density cellular concrete). PIGCO pioneered the manufacture and placement parameters geotechnically for markets requiring cellular concretes and has amassed over 20 patents on process equipment.

Canadian Cellular Concrete Services, Inc. practices construction techniques utilizing PIGCO’s specialized equipment and engineering in the Canadian marketplace. Services provided include:

Tunnel Backfill Services

Canadian Cellular Concrete Services, Inc. offers vast experience in the placement of cellular concrete in tunnel construction, having completed over 1,103,000 feet (209 miles / 292 kilometers) of large diameter tunnel using low density cellular concretes.

MSE Wall Backfill

For heavy highway construction and Railroad crossings using lightweight   concrete fills.

Bridge Approach Backfill

For heavy highway construction using foam concrete and low density pervious fill.

Load Reducing Fills

For heavy highway construction and foundations using pervious load reducing fills and non-pervious lightweight fills.

Pipeline Abandonment Grout

Canadian Cellular Concrete Services, Inc. provides engineered cellular  concrete fills for abandoning large structures and pipelines. Foamed cement in these applications can be pumped over two (2) kilometers at very low pressures.

Nuclear and Hazmat Containment

Specially formulated mix designs and placement techniques for decommissioning large nuclear components and waste disposal.

Pervious Cellular Concrete Fills

Specially formulated foam cement mixes for drainage, maintaining reduced soil loads.

Quality Control & Performance Parameters

Canadian Cellular Concrete Services, Inc. engineer mixes for specific site conditions including pre-testing for performance during and after placement.

Tunnel Boring Support

Cellular Concrete Services, Inc. has the ability and assortment of equipment and quick set materials for controlling ground, raveling rock in front of, over, or behind TBM’s and other mining machines.


 Canadian Cellular Concrete Service, Inc.’s equipment is extremely portable and able to set up typically in less than a day.


Cellular concrete services in CanadaLow Density Cellular Concrete Services in CanadaCanadian Cellular Concrete Services