Our Company placed 6,000 cubic yards of specially engineered seismic cellular concrete to protect the 1 kilometer water line for its 100 year life including experiencing a major earthquake. Strict project specifications were adhered to provide a quality backfill.
The Brightwater project included approximately 13 miles (21km) of soft-ground tunnels. PIGCO successfully grouted the BT2 and BT3 tunnels with total tunnel length of 30,705 feet and over 55,000 cubic yards of cellular concrete for the King County Department of Natural Resources project.
Our Company successfully completed 8,600 feet of 54”WSP in rock lined tunnel for Southland Contracting, Inc. in Fairfax, VA. Inspection of tunnel conditions before and during pipe placement can save time and money later with proper grouting pla
Over 79,000 cubic yards of cellular concrete was placed on either side of the new bridge on the 12th Street project by Pacific International Grout Company for the general contractor McGuire & Hester. Scheduled completion was reduced by six (6) months.